Calendario 2020
January 20th, VICENZA, Teatro Comunale
Beethoven Sonate op.31
February 27th , FIRENZE, Palazzo Pitti
Brahms, Schumann, Janáček
With Lorenza Baldo, cello
February 29th , CAMPOBASSO, Teatro Savoia
Beethoven, op 31 nr.2, op.110, Schubert D537, Brahms op.116
April 3rd, PERUGIA, Sala dei Notari
Brahms, opp.116&117, Debussy Preludi Libro II
May 22nd, BELLUNO, Sala Teatro Giovanni XXIII
Beethoven, op.78,79,81a,27 r.1, 27 nr.2, 101
June 8th, TRIESTE, Teatro Verdi
Beethoven op. Op. 78.79.81a.90. 101
June 23rd BARI, Teatro Forma
Beethoven, opp.28, 27 nr.2, 109, 110
August 26th /30th , BIRKWEILER Fermate Klassik Festival
Brahms Pianoqiontett op.34, Dvorak 4 hands works, Beethoven pianosonatas
With Hugo Wolf Quartett & Christoph Berner
September 11th/19th , PERUGIA, Sagra Musicale Umbra
32 Beethoven’s Pianosonatas
September 21st , MILANO, MiTo Festival
Beethoven, op.109, 110, 111, Ravel Menuet, G.Benjamin Metitation on Ravel’s name
October 16th , SCHENZHEN, Mountain View Theater
Beethoven op.28, 27 nr.2, 13, 57, Scarlatti 2 Sonatas
October18th, BEIJING, National Library Concert Hall
Beethoven op.28, 27 nr.2, 13, 57, Scarlatti 2 Sonatas
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