Filippo Gamba | A comprehensive, mature piano interpretation caresses the spirit.
Filippo Gamba
27 settembre 2014
By filippog

A comprehensive, mature piano interpretation caresses the spirit.

Westdeutsche Allgemeine, 23 Maggio 2001
“Ausgereiftes Klavierspiel streichelt die Seele”
With Filippo Gamba, a poet of the instrument was presented at the ‘Next Generation’ Festival.

He should not really still be numbered amongst the ranks of the ‘next generation’: on Monday evening in the big Harenberg City Center hall, Filippo Gamba proved himself a fully mature pianist, a poet of the piano.

The musician has already won numerous prizes, last year alone winning the Géza Anda competition in Zurich.
The Veronese pianist’s work is marked by very dense and lyrical playing; he displays his own personal touch in an extremely differentiated manner, painting with fine brushes and an infinite richness of tone.

In Schumann’s Arabeske op. 18, or in the Davidsbündlertänze op. 6, for example, the pianist sought out the character of each small piece, capturing the finest nuances, at times with drive and drama – though without any search for effect – at times with sweetness and tenderness, simplicity and sincerity, always with clarity of shading and perfect, brilliant technique.

In a similar way in the Brahms, Gamba vigorously and at the same time delicately shaped the opening phrase of the third Sonata in F min. op.5, creating organic solutions rich in tension.

The Italian gave an extremely delicate and intimate rendering of the second phrase; the sections in Pianissimo as resounding as whispers. The Scherzo is then marked by brilliant runs that saw the fingers fly with the greatest of naturalness, unleashed onto the keys in splendid cascades. A Rubato so rich in tension as in this final phrase is rarely heard.
In this Sonata, and in the dances by Schumann, there was the sensation that every note should have been placed in precisely this way, with precisely this colour and dynamism.
A piano interpretation to caress the spirit.

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